20 Inch Cedar Cat House with Platform, Loft

Door Opening: 8"W x 8䃝 "H
This house comes with insulation included! Our insulation is made in the USA and is a certified "green" product. It is called LOW E reflective insulation. Most manufacturers of dog houses are spouting out R-Value numbers and frankly most of them don't even know what an R Value is. R-Value is the resistance to conductive heat flow. In dog houses, conduction is only 3 to 7 % of heat loss due to the small size of the cavity.
The biggest heat loss (during winter) and the largest heat gain (during summer) for dog houses is not a conductive factor but a radiation loss/gain through infrared radiation. Rather than getting into a scientific, hard to understand dissertation, simply think of it like a thermos bottle. It keeps cold things cold and hot things hot with a shallow reflective aluminum barrier. That is precisely what CatsPlay LOW E reflective insulation does for a pet house. You may refer to our website's LOW E link.
LOW E is a Class A, Class I fire rated insulation made of pure reflective aluminum on both sides with a layer of closed cell polyethylene in the middle. It is non toxic and does not become brittle, crack, flake, or collapse with age.
A light weight mahogany plywood liner protects the inner cavity insulation from pet damage, ensuring long term durability.
Optional Porch & Deck
Give your cat house more character while providing your cat with a great place to relax in the shade! A porch and deck system also provides a superior way to protect the doorway from the elements.
Optional Raised Foundation
The raised foundation for the cat houses is made of full sized frame members (2" x 3"). The posts (3" x 3") and the frame members are lifetime pressure treated lumber for outdoor exposure and ground contact. The decking is western red cedar planking which really compliments the cedar cat houses.
The raised foundation is large enough to accompany the cat house and still provide a front deck area. It can easily accommodate the cat house platform system which opens up another tier area for extra cat friends or food and water dishes. Either way, the raised foundation is a beautiful addition to all CatsPlay cat houses.
Optional Heated Cat Mat
A heated pet pad is absolutely the safest, most reliable and energy efficient method to provide your pet with a comfortable warm environment during the coldest of winters. Depending on the pad size, the electricity needed to operate the pad is the same as one light bulb (15 to 80 watts). We recommend that the heated pet pads not be more than half the floor size of the cat or dog house so that the pet can either get off completely or partially as he chooses. The internal thermostat keeps the temperature at a desireable 102 degrees when in use.
The Dog and Cat Pad - indoor or outdoor - a small 9x12 inch pad that beautifully fits in our 17" and 20" cat and dog house. It is a hard ABS Plastic pad so as to resist claws and chewing. The first 18 inches of the power cord are steel wrapped for added protection. The 9x12 pad comes with a soft weave pad cover that allows the warmth to easily radiate through to your cat. The pad cover is removable and washable. When you purchase a heated pad with a dog or cat house, CatsPlay will prep the house for the electric cord with a bug and moisture resistant hole plug at no charge.
Optional Seal Safe Door
Any dog or cat house is only as good as its door. No matter what siding, roofing, insulation or flooring materials are utilized, the doorway has to protect the inside of the house from the outside elements.
Our standard .080 vinyl heavy duty flap door comes with every house but due to varying climate conditions in different geographical areas of our nation, not to mention the growing number of Dog Aire air conditioned dog houses sold, we offer an optional upgrade door system to seal the living compartment more effectively.
CatsPlay has been designing and manufacturing dog houses for nearly twenty (20) years. In the past we have sold different brands of "upgraded pet doors" but even though they were better than the standard vinyl flap system, some had shortfalls - they didn't seal efficiently, they had an unnecessary lock system, some had slots cut in the bottom frame that leaked when it rained and some simply cost too much.
After comparing all the different pet door manufacturers and extensively comparing warrantees, air infiltration factors, cold and warm air infusion, pet safety, and appearance, Our Door Company has designed an upgrade pet door specifically for dog houses that surpasses every other door in the market place, bar none!!! It is called Seal Safe, and it is priced better than any competitive door available anywhere.
The sealing system are magnets calibrated for the size of the door. There are no springs or pins that can break and no nylon pile weather stripping that can be chewed by your pet or worn down.
If you live in an area where the winters are excessively cold, or the wind gusts and blowing rain or snow are a factor, of if you are purchasing one of our Dog Aire air conditioned dog houses, the "green" technology of the Seal Safe door will minimize your carbon foot print by lowering the amount of electricity used to cool your pet's house and this door will simply seal off the door opening better than any other brand of door available.
The flap is a thermal plastic polyester scrim fabric with a poly carbonate clear window for light and a poly carbonate chew guard on the bottom. The warranty is one full year for product defects.
Best of all, when you upgrade to a Seal Safe䋢 door, your dog or cat house arrives with the door already installed, saving you the time and trouble of putting it in yourself. You can install this door yourself should you already have a CatsPlay pet house.
Optional "Peek-a-Boo" Cat House Clean Out Door
With over 25 years in the pet business, we have listened to our customers and now offer an access door. The "Peek-a-boo" Cat House Clean Out door allows the ability to clean out debris and check on the welfare of your cats, without having to unscrew panels or remove roof sections.
Delivery by freight to the front curb of your home or business. You will will receive a phone call from the freight company scheduling delivery and will need to make arrangements to be home on the scheduled date of delivery. You should also have someone available to assist you getting the item into your home or business.
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